Guidelines for connection of Distributed Energy Resources
Kingston Hydro supports those who wish to generate electricity locally and sustainably. For its efforts to facilitate connection of cleaner, greener electricity generators to the local distribution system, Kingston Hydro received the 2009 Electricity Distributors Association "Award for Environmental Excellence”.
Kingston Hydro does offer flexible hosting capacity arrangements. For further assistance, please contact
If you’re a residential or small business customer, including residential or small business net metering customers, who pays Time-of-Use (TOU) electricity prices, you can choose to switch to Tiered or Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) prices., visit our Electricity Rate Choice page for the online election form and more information on the price plan options.
Ontario Energy Board documents
Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures
Hydro One technical interconnection requirements
Kingston Hydro uses the Hydro One technical interconnection requirements (TIR) as its basis for the technical requirements for DER proponents to adhere to. Please ensure you are familiar with the document linked below:
Micro Distributed Generation Technical Interconnection Requirements
Distributed Generation Technical Interconnection Requirements
KH-MicroDER Generation Connection Information Package
Appendix B: Guide for DER Applicants
Micro-Embedded Generation Facility Connection Agreement
Connection Application Form for MicroDER
Small, mid and large-sized DER facilities
KH-Over 10kW DER Generation Connection Information Package
Preliminary Consultation Information Request (PCIR)
Appendix B: Guide for DER Applicants
Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) Application
Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) Application Instructions
Overview of SCADA requirements
Information in a Connection Agreement for a Large Embedded Generation Facility
DERCP Sample Protection Philosophy
Standby generator facility
Please fill in the application for installation of a standby generator to Kingston Hydro. Also required for submission is a Single line diagram (showing the utility source, Kingston Hydro Meter(s), Transfer Switch, Generator, and Customer Load), the Transfer Switch Model Number and manual, and the Generator Model Number and Manual.
Connection Application Form for Standby Generator
CIA fee schedule
Kingston Hydro DER Application Fee schedule